camping 101

  • camping 101

    Great Article from CNN Travel-Confessions of an RV Rookie and Former Naysayer

    Just witnessed this first hand. Invited grown up son and family on camping trip during Covid. After bad memories of two childhood camping trips, he’s bought a trailer and is looking forward to hitting the open road! .

  • camping 101

    The Year of the RV

    When we started on this adventure, we were just finding older travel trailers, around 2004-2007, and boy have they been hit with the ugly stick. You can go blind just looking at them. The patterns are gaudy and the colors are dark, where did these fabrics even come from? The wallpaper is mottled and dark, and those valances (yuck!). Even some of the newer ones are as bad, it’s like the designers are stuck in the 70’s. Anyway, we were just spending our time painting, sewing curtains, replacing floors and cleaning. We learned a lot from the first one, we removed all the cabinet doors, threw away the mattress and…

  • camping 101

    Getting back into blogging.

    Ok. I know it’s been a long time coming and many of you guys have found your way to our site from my Pinterest posts. We are in the process of remodeling our fourth trailer in two years, and just loving working together. The work is hard, but it is keeping us busy and keeping us off the streets. We have camped at Coronado State Beach, Lake Cachuma and Palm Desert. I promise to unleash some photos, reviews of camping for newbies (like us) and remodeling tips. Oh gosh, now I’ve let time get away from me, I have a LOT to share.

  • camping 101

    Hi there!

    OK, get to know us,  we are Tricia & Alan Eyes. Married for 42 years and counting.  Yes, I know, you have never heard that last name before, it’s OK, neither have we. We moved to the US from England 39 years ago, two young kids in towe.  We worked hard all our lives, juggling work/raising kids/ layoffs/working away/ keeping up with the mortgage. Helping aging parents. We made a decision to retire ‘early’……….whoaa wait a minute………..what’s early? Do you judge how long you have worked or how old you are We both grew up in the 50’s in England, now bearing in mind that both our dads left school…